Appositives - Multiple Choice Questions or Quiz or Test

Choose the most suitable answer that identifies the appositive in the sentence.

Q 1.  My brother Erik has planned to go Mauritius next month.

a) Erik
b) My brother
c) My brother Erik
d) None of the above

Answer - A

Q 2. The bird, a parrot, was imitating my words.

a) The bird
b) A parrot
c) The bird a parrot
d) None of the above

Answer - B

Q 3. I really like my uncle’s dog Ginger.

a) I really like
b) My uncle’s dog
c) Ginger
d) All of the above

Answer - C

Q 4. Mr. Samuel, the English professor at my college, carries an umbrella every day.

a) Mr. Samuel
b) The English professor at my college
c) An umbrella
d) Every day

Answer - B

Q 5. Jenny’s dog Oscar is a Labrador.

a) Jenny’s dog
b) Oscar
c) Labrador
d) All of the above

Answer – B

Q 6. Little Angel, a large toy store is located near my house.

a) Little Angel
b) My house
c) A large toy store
d) Located

Answer – C

Q 7. Tom and Rose, Tom’s wife, are business partners.

a) Business partners
b) Tom and Rose
c) Tom’s wife
d) None of the above

Answer - C

Q 8. My cousins Sara and Sanya are identical twins.

a) My cousins
b) Sara and Sanya
c) Identical
d) Twins

Answer - B

Q 9. I really like my grey Apache, a bike.

a) I
b) Like
c) Grey
d) A bike

Answer - D

Q 10. The insect, a cockroach, is crawling across the dining table.

a) The insect
b) A cockroach
c) Crawling
d) Dining table

Answer – B

Related Topics : What is an Appositive?
                             What are Appositives with Examples

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English Grammar