Key Elements of Story

A story is a wonderful or inspiring tale. It contains a single character or a series of characters. A story can be factual or fictional narrative. It can be a plot of fiction or drama. A story is also an account of facts, a news report, a falsehood or a legend of romance. Stories are depicted in various forms such as novel, poem, memoir, play or film. Through a story, an author tells a true or fictional tale to the readers or listeners. In simple words, an author or writer communicates information, point of view, experience or attitude. Generally, a story is a series of events that are imagined or created to tell something or answer a question to the listeners. A story has five key elements that maintain a smooth flow and allow the action to develop in a coherent manner. The important elements of a story are discussed below in detail. 

1. Characters: Characters or protagonists are the main pillars of the story. By introducing the characters in the story, an author allows readers to visualize their appearance and attitude. It is done by giving a detailed description of a character including physical features and personality. Every story encompasses a main character, which helps in developing the plot in a logical manner. Besides, other characters also play a significant role in completing the entire story.

2. Setting: Setting in a story is the location of the action. An author or writer explains the setting in such a manner that readers imagine that they are present in that location or surrounding. Sometimes, the author provides an unusual setting in the story to arouse the interest of readers. However, a normal setting generally helps readers to make a connection with the story.

3. Plot: A plot is the story that contains a proper beginning, middle and end. It provides necessary details with suspense so as to give readers an opportunity to visualize the action and understand the starting and end points of a story.

4. Conflict: A story usually contains conflict. The entire story revolves around the conflict. Besides, the characters play their roles to resolve the problem. When the action in the story becomes interesting, right before the resolution, then it is known as the climax.

5. Resolution: Resolution maintains a correct flow in the story and solves all parts of the conflicts.

How to write a research paper and its parts

A research paper is a thesis or an extended essay, which is written on a specific topic like social, scientific or technical issues. It expresses your own evaluation, interpretation or argument on a topic. While writing a research paper, you mention only those points that you know about the subject or what experts have said, whereas in essay you share your personal experiences or thoughts. A research paper is prepared after conducting a thorough survey. By collecting essential information from different sources like book, magazine, newspaper and internet, etc. a proper research paper is being prepared by the writer.

Parts of Research Paper

1.    Title
2.    Abstract
3.    Introduction
4.    Procedure or Methods
5.    Results
6.    Conclusion or Discussion
7.    Bibliography

Let us see the steps to write a research paper:

•    Select a Topic: Selecting a topic is the first and foremost thing when you are writing a research paper. Choose an appropriate topic, which you can research well and can write about it.  If anyone is also writing on the same topic, then try to make your research paper unique and informative. Besides, if you are not able to gather information about the topic, then change your topic.

•    Do Research on the Topic: Start your research on the topic with the help of newspapers, blog posts, journals and articles, books and magazines. Always search for empirical research. The books or articles written by experts are the real source of information. These sources will surely give you accurate information about your topic.

•    Prepare an Outline: Once you are done with your research work. Create an outline with the help of your research findings. Structure all your points or phrases, which you have highlighted. Whether your research is argumentative or analytical, you have clear each and every point with the help of proper evidence or supporting facts. Apart from this, create a bibliography or reference page and mention the author’s name, title and page number from where you have taken the information for your topic.

•   Write an Introduction Part: Introduce the topic to your readers and explain why you have selected that topic. Tell them whether your research is analytical or argumentative.

•   Write the Body Paragraph: Support each and every statement with proper facts and figures. Express your own views or ideas so as to keep your research work unique. Provide as much information as you can in order to draw the attention of the readers.

•  Write the Conclusion: Summarize your research findings clearly and concisely. Begin the conclusion section by restating your thesis statement. After that mention the points that justify your topic.

•   Document your Paper: In order to avoid plagiarism, you should document your research paper in an appropriate manner. Based on your topic and field of study, you have to mention the source information from where you have taken the information.

•   Edit your Draft: Edit your draft precisely. Check whether all the points are written in an organized manner. Rearrange the information wherever required. In addition to this, check for grammar error and adjust the line spacing and margin.

What is a Homographs and its Uses

Homographs refer to the words that have different meaning, pronunciation and origin but same spelling. In simple words, homographs are those words, which share same spelling, but differ in pronunciation, origin and meaning. For instance, ‘bat’ – an animal as well as sports equipment. The word ‘homograph’ is derived from the Greek word ‘homos’, which means ‘the same’ and graph means ‘to write’.

Some homograph words are mentioned below:

•    Agape – Love ( a Greek word) or a wide open mouth (In a state of amazement) 
•    Bass – A deep voice or a kind of fish
•    Bow- To incline or a kind of knot
•    Compact – Small or a small make-up case
•    Close – Near or to Shut
•    Entrance – A means by which to enter or to fill with delight
•    Fine – A levy or  of superior quality
•    Fly –  To move through the air or an insect
•    Lead – To direct in a course or a type of metal
•    Left – Went or direction
•    Minute – Tiny or unit of time
•    Object – To oppose or a thing
•    Pupil – Student or a part of eye
•    Sewer – A person who sews or drain
•    Tear – a watery discharge from the eye or  to rip
•    Wound – To injure or past tense of wind
•    Wave – Sea water coming into shore or to move the hand in greeting

Uses of homographs

Homographs can be used in sentences in following ways.

1.    Bat
•    You cannot hit the ball too fast with a light bat.
•    Bats are the only mammals that can fly.

2.    Bow
•    I have learned to make a bow with a satin ribbon.
•    People in Japan usually bow to show respect.

3.    Close
•    The water park is close to the zoological park.
•    Did you close the door?

4.    Minute
•    Sea water contains thousands of minute particles.
•    I will be there in 2 minutes.

5.    Tear
•    Did you tear pages out of your book?
•    I don’t know why tears come out of my eyes for no reason.

Difference between literally and figuratively

Literally and figuratively are the two most common words that are widely used in the English language.  The word ‘literal’ means exactly. When we say literary in a phrase that means something actually happened or really happened. In simple words, literally refers to a phrase that describes a real thing or a word that is in accordance with its original meaning. For instance, can you wait for me? Or she was born into a wealthy family.

On the other hand, figuratively means metaphorically. Figurative languages are widely found in poetry and literature. The figurative words or phrases convey something different from the literal meaning. In other words, through figures of speech, it expresses a phrase not in a real sense, but in a metaphorical way. For example, do you have the patience to wait for me? Or she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth.

In English language, literally indicates what is exactly said and happened, whereas figurative language is expressed by using similes, hyperbole, metaphors and personification so as to explain something. Through figurative language, a phrase is over embellished or exaggerated.
Let us see some literally and figurative examples:

Literal Description

•    Sky looks blue
•    Cotton is soft
•    Honey is sweet
•    Honey bee stings are painful
•    The desert is dry

Figurative Description

•    The cloud act like a blanket (simile)
•    Time is money (metaphor)
•    The sun is a golden ball (metaphor)
•    The weather is as cold as ice (simile)
•    Her cheeks are red like a rose (simile)

English Grammar