Connotation Versus Denotation

A word can be described in various forms. It depends on a person’s frame of mind how he or she may interpret a word. In other words, how a person comprehends or observes a particular word or relates it to his or her thoughts and ideas can be a connotation. Through connotation and denotation, we can figure out the different meanings of a single word. Connotation indicates a feeling or an idea that develops by looking at a word. It explains either negative or positive emotional connections with a word. On the other hand, denotation refers to the literal meaning of a word, which is usually found in the dictionary.

Many skilled writers or poets use different words as a tool to express their feelings, ideas and thoughts, either in a negative or positive way. Hence, the way of expressing the attitude or feelings through a word is known as connotation. For instance, ‘Slim’ – an attractive body shape (positive connotation), ‘Skinny’- a very thin person (negative connotation).

Many experienced educators and academicians use explicit words while writing a subject-based book or preparing a thesis. A word that carries a very close or literal meaning is known as denotation. These types of words are often used in textbooks or some research papers. For instance, ‘Tax’ – An involuntary fee levied on individuals or corporations, ‘Earth’- The planet on which humans live.

Connotation is different from denotation in several aspects. A word that symbolizes some kind of positive or negative feeling is known as connotation, whereas the word that has a literal or clear meaning is known as denotation. Let us see some example words that have different connotation and similar denotation.

1. Snake:-  unreliable person (connotation), long legless reptile (denotation)
2. Adult:-  a sensible person (connotation), a fully grown person (denotation)
3. Cheesy:- poor quality (connotation), a cheese like flavor (denotation)

Here are some of the topics related to connotation and denotation.
  1. Denotation of a Word
  2. Connotation of a Word
  3. Sentence Using Connotation
  4. Positive and Negative Connotations
  5. Neutral Connotation
More details regarding the above topics visit the web page connotation and denotation .

What are Analogies

The comparison of an idea or a thing to another thing is known as an analogies. In other words, when one concept is compared to another concept in order to describe the true meaning is known as an analogy. The analogy is better explained with the help of metaphors and similes. However, the analogy is more extensive as compared to a metaphor or a simile. Let us understand first what is simile and metaphor.

Simile: A simile is a figure of speech that compares one thing with another thing of different kind with the help of different words, including like, so, as, than, etc.

For example:

•    She is cute as a doll.
•    Her voice is melodious like a nightingale’s

Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech which describes a thing is something, which is literally is not.

For example:

•    An apple of my eye.
•    Broken heart.

Role of Analogy in Literature

Analogy plays a significant role in literature. A writer uses analogies to connect an unfamiliar or an unusual idea with familiar objects. When a writer compares a new idea with a familiar thing, then it involves the readers and compels them to relate the unfamiliar ideas to familiar things. Analogies are tools to stimulate the interest of readers.

Examples of Analogy

•    I feel like a fish out of water. (This means that your are not comfortable in your surroundings)

•    Ambition without knowledge is like a boat on a dry land. (This means that you desire to achieve something in life, but don’t know where to start or how to start)

•    Life is like a roller coaster ride. (This means life is sometimes exciting and sometimes scary)

•    He is like a rock. (This means he is strong like a rock)

•    Sword is to warrior as pen is to writer. (This means a sword is the weapon of a warrior and a pen is the weapon of a writer)

English Grammar