Conjunction – Solve Multiple Choice Questions or Quiz or Test

Choose the most suitable answer that identifies the conjunction in the sentence.

Q 1. Emma fell asleep, _______Jack went home.

a) And
b) So
c) Then
d) But

Answer - So

Q 2.  Please bring some snacks _______ sweets.

a) Or
b) For
c) And
d) So

Answer - And

Q 3.  I did not want to go to the movie _______I had already seen it.

a) But
b) For
c) So
d) Because

Answer – Because

Q 4. James wants to play basketball, ________he can not throw the ball properly.

a) But
b) So
c) And
d) Or

Answer - But

Q 5. Would you rather go for movie _______to the party?

a) But
b) Or
c) And
d) For

Answer – Or

Q 6. Keep your slice of pizza covered ________the flies will contaminate it.

a) Until
b) Though
c) Because
d) Or

Answer- Or

Q 7. The college authority rejected the application ________they did not think that the candidate deserves to get admission.

a) Though
b) Because
c) Or
d) But

Answer - Because

Q 8. Linda wants both a diamond ring ______a bracelet for her birthday.

a) Or
b) And
c) But
d) Because

Answer – And

Q 9. I would go to bed now _______my assignment is not done.

a) Because
b) Or
c) Until
d) But

Answer - But

Q 10. She is tired, ______she is working.

a) So
b) Or
c) And
d) Yet

Answer – Yet

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English Grammar