What is the Revising Stage in the Writing Process? Give an Example

Writing is a process of conveying thoughts and ideas through alphabets, words, phrases and punctuation. The basic rule of writing is brainstorming ideas. You need to think and research a lot about a topic, which you have planned to write. Searching or thinking about a topic is a first step in a writing process, which is also known as pre-writing stage. Once you select a topic, you must move to the second stage, which is known as drafting stage or writing stage. The third stage of the writing process is revising stage. Revising stage means re-seeing stage where you make changes in order to organize your content. Most writers adopt ARRR (Add, Rearrange, Remove and Replace) approach in the revising stage. While revising, your make sure that your ideas are clearly stated to the target audience. In addition to this, ensure that all the evidences and facts, which you have provided, support your claim.

Revising stage is an essential stage as at this stage you get time to organize your thoughts and ideas in a way that you have planned. Let us understand the revision stage with the help of an example mentioned below:

-    The Ganges river dolphins hunt with the help of ultrasonic sound. They live in freshwater and they are blind. 

The above mentioned statement explains about the hunting behavior of dolphins first and later indicates about their habitat. The way of providing information about the dolphins is not correct. Hence, you have to revise it and make changes in the sequence in a following way:

-    The Ganges river dolphins are blind and they can only live in freshwater. They hunt with the help of ultrasonic sounds.

In this way, you have to organize the information, idea or thought, which you provide to your readers though writing. According to the English language, writing is broadly categorized into 5 stages that are mentioned below:

1.   Pre-writing stage: In this stage, you have to decide first what you are going to write. Many writers first select the topic and then they decide what they will be going to write about the topic.

2.   Drafting: Drafting is the process of planning how you will arrange your thought in a written manner. After selecting a topic, the next step is to start drafting or writing.

3.    Revising: It is the stage where you look at your content through a reader’s eye. Hence, this stage is solely dedicated to reader as you have revise whether your content is written in a correct order.

4.  Editing: Editing involves checking grammar, sentence structure, word choice, punctuation, spelling, citation and capitalization of words and the format of the document.

5.  Publishing: When you write something, you must have written for a group of people. It is important to publish it for public, so that they are able to read your thoughts.

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