What is Composition Writing in English?

A composition is a piece of writing, which describes or addresses a specific subject. In composition writing, an idea or thought is arranged in a coherent manner so as to make it interesting for the readers. The word ‘composition’ derives from the Latin word ‘componere’, which means ‘put together’. Generally, writing classes are recognized as composition classes. Even writing music is also known as composition. In short, composition is a writing process in which a writer writes something to inform, to persuade, to entertain, to express feeling or to draw the attention of the readers on something. In English language, composition writing is categorized into three main parts, including introduction, body and conclusion.

Let us understand the structure of composition writing in detail.

1. Introduction: Introduction is the main part of composition writing. It should be written in a clear and concise manner so as to capture the attention of readers. The introduction paragraph should start with a general statement like ‘thesis statement’ or an interesting topic like ‘My Memorable Trip to New York’. Make sure that the introduction paragraph should contain two to three sentences, which gives a general idea to readers about the thesis statement.

2. Body: The body paragraph is a section where you can elaborate, express or describe the statement, subject or a topic in a detailed manner. Present your thoughts and views to readers with the help of supporting facts and evidences. Besides, write about the pros and cons of your thesis statement so as to involve the readers in your discussion or argument. If possible use idioms in between the paragraphs.

3. Conclusion: Wrap up your thesis statement in the conclusion paragraph. It is the final part of your composition. In order to make it appealing for the readers, you need to summarize the thoughts and views that you had discussed in the body paragraphs. A conclusion makes the final impression on readers, therefore reiterate each and every point precisely.

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