Pronouns Quiz with Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Choose the most suitable answer that identifies the pronoun in the sentence.

Q 1. Sherry’s mother asked _____not to open the door for strangers.

a) Him
b) Her
c) Someone
d) Anyone


Q 2. _____is a demonstrative pronoun?

a) Each other
b) Myself
c) It
d) This

Answer - This

Q 3.  ‘You are my best friend’ - Which one is the subject pronoun?

a) My
b) Are
c) You
d) Friend

Answer - You

Q 4. ‘My baby dropped her hanky on the ground’- Which one is the possessive pronoun?

a) My
b) Her
c) The
d) On

Answer - Her

Q 5. ‘You must trust yourself’ – Which one is a reflexive pronoun?

a) You
b) Must
c) Yourself
d) None of the above


Q 6. Laura was born is France, but _______mother was born in Germany.

a) His
b) Their
c) Her
d) Whose

Answer - Her

Q 7. These are my sisters _______names are Cathy and Linda.

a) There
b) Them
c) Their
d) Her

Answer  – Their

Q 8. Which of the following is an indefinite pronoun?

a) Which
b) All
c) Mine
d) Whom

Answer - All 

Q 9.  My laptop is not working. Can I use ______?

a) Your
b) It
c) Yours
d) Their


Q 10. He blamed ________for the mishap.
a) Himself
b) Yourself
c) Themselves
d) Whom



English Grammar