What is the Difference between Definite and Indefinite Articles

In English grammar, an article is identified as a small word that introduces and refers to a noun. It can be a place, thing, person or an idea. For instance, a pencil or an elephant or the Eiffel Tower (Here, a, an or the are articles that introduce noun). Articles are primarily categorized into two parts, one is the definite article and another is an indefinite article. ‘An’ and ‘a’ are indefinite articles and ‘the’ is a definite article. Let us understand the different between definite and indefinite article and the rules to use them correctly.

Definite Article

A definite article is an article, which introduces or indicates a specific noun. It talks about something specific which is already known to the listener.
For instance:
•    The Taj Mahal is the symbol of love
•    I want to have the banana milkshake.

In above mentioned sentences, ‘the’ is a definite article that signifies a particular noun.

Indefinite Article

An indefinite article is an article that identifies or introduces an unspecified noun. In simple words, an indefinite article introduces not a specific or a particular noun. It is used when a speaker or writer is talking about a thing in general.
For instance:
•    John wants an iPod
•    Do you have a paper?
•    This is an extraordinary place.

In the aforesaid sentences, ‘an’ and ‘a’ are indefinite articles that refer to things which are new and introduces to a listener for the first time. Besides, these articles are also used when a writer or speaker is asking about the existence of something.

The difference between the definite and indefinite articles can be seen in the following sentences.

•    I want an ice-cream.
•    I want the vanilla ice-cream.

The first sentence talks about any number of ice-cream as ‘an’ is used to introduce indefinite ice-creams. On the other hand, the second sentence talks about a particular flavor of an ice-cream. Hence, article ‘the’ refers to definite or a specific ice-cream flavor.

Use of definite article (The)

•    It can be used to indicate a noun that has been specified before.
•    It is used to refer a noun that is unique.
•    It is used to refer to a time period.
•    It is used indicate a natural phenomenon
•    It is used to introduce all the members of a family.

Use of indefinite article (An and A)

•    It is used before some numbers.
•    It is used before unspecified singular noun.
•    It is used with nouns to form adverbial phrases of amount, or quantity.
•    It is used before the singular noun, which is followed by a modifier.

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English Grammar